Sunday, August 4, 2013

Common PCOS Terms

When I first started visiting PCOS communities online, I had no idea what half of the terms and abbreviations meant. 
I made this little list for newbies to include some of the most common terms used by "cysters."

AF - aunt "flow"
B12 - the vitamin B12
BD - baby dance (intercourse)
BC - birth control
BFN - big fat negative (as in a pregnancy test)
BFP - big fat positive (as in a pregnancy test)
BG - blood glucose
BMI - body mass index (a ratio between weight and height)
BMR - basal metabolic rate (how many calories the body burns when at rest)
BS - blood sugar (same as blood glucose)
CD - cycle day (the day your period starts)
CM - cervical mucus
Cyster - an individual diagnosed with PCOS
DF - dairy free
DH - dear husband
DTD - do/did the deed (intercourse)
EF - egg free
Endo - endocrinologist (a doctor who specializes in hormones)
GF - gluten free
GW - goal weight
HPT - home pregnancy test
HS - hidradenitis suppurativa (a skin condition that looks like large boils)
HSG - hysterosalpingogram (x-ray of the uterus & fallopian tubes)
HW - highest weight
IBS - irritable bowel syndrome
IVF - in vitro fertilization
LC - low carb
Met - metformin (a medication used to regulate BG levels)
NF - nut free
OPK - ovulation predictor kit
PCOD - polycystic ovarian disorder (same as PCOS)
PCOS - polycystic ovary syndrome
SF - sugar free
SO - significant other
Spiro - spironolactone (a medication used to treat blood pressure, acne, and/or facial hair)
TTC - trying to conceive
Veg - vegan or vegetarian

Have something to add to the list?  Include it in the comments below!

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