Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Betty Crocker Goes Healthy

Betty Crocker was always a staple in our house when I was younger.  Whether it was Betty Crocker products or recipes, I heard the name a lot growing up.  And I've gotta say, Betty Crocker knew good food.  If a recipe came out of a Betty Crocker cookbook, I just KNEW it would be awesome.  When I moved out on my own, my mom bought me a subscription to the Betty Crocker mini-magazines that are just chock full of recipes.  I never tried one that was a dud.  Now that I'm a bit (but only a little bit) older and a little more concerned about what I put into my body, I have to try to "lighten up" and tweak my old Betty Crocker favorites.  But I'm pleased to say, that Betty Crocker has not let me down!  She has lightened up her own recipes, so I no longer have to do "the dirty work." 

On the website, you can search HEALTHY recipes under the following categories:

Gluten Free
Heart Health
High Fiber
Low Calorie
Low Sodium

To see the full list of healthy recipes, click here.