Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Dangers of Biotin Overdose

If you have spent any time in a PCOS group on Facebook, you probably will have seen the term "Biotin" being thrown around.  Biotin is vitamin B7 (or also called Vitamin H).  It is used by people to grow hair quickly (or stop hair from falling out), reduce acne, and grow stronger, longer fingernails.  It is often recommended to those suffering from hair loss and acne due to PCOS.  I had heard about it a lot before I finally decided to take the plunge.  I had heard how it made your skin positively glow, and I wanted that effect, too!  So I bought a bottle of Biotin.  The Biotin I purchased had 1250mcg per pill, and I began to take one pill every morning.  I simply couldn't wait for my skin to glow, my hair to shine, and my nails to grow!  I was ecstatic!

Immediately after beginning the pills I began to get migraines, but it also coincided with the start of "Aunt Flow," so I determined the migraines were just regular hormonal headaches.  But "Aunt Flow" had ended and the headaches still persisted.  After about 1 week on the Biotin, I started to notice acne.  Bad acne.  Cystic acne like I haven't had in at least 2 years since starting the Spironolactone.  My face hurt badly, but I assumed that the "toxins" were working their way out through my pores and causing skin eruptions.  Two weeks after starting the Biotin, I noticed something very peculiar.  I was running my fingers through my hair, when I pulled out what looked like at least 15 hairs.  "That's certainly not normal," I thought.  I had an appointment to get my hair cut the following day.  When the beautician washed/combed my hair, she noted that I had a lot of hair loss for just a simple wash and recommended that I take some Biotin for it.  (Ironic?)  It was a few days later that I realized all these symptoms could be from the Biotin.

My doctor told me to stop the Biotin temporarily and see if it made any difference at all.  Immediately after stopping, the migraines were gone.  Hmmmm.  About 2-3 weeks after stopping, the acne started to clear up (though I have some pretty nasty scars I'm still working on).  Ahhhhh!  Then the hair loss!  It took over a month for the hair to stop falling out of my head!  It has started to grow back, and it's currently at that "omg-so-itchy" length that makes me scratch my head like I have lice!  *Shakes head*

So the doctor was right, as was my intuition.  Some people (albeit rare) can suffer from a Biotin overdose.  Not everyone has the same symptoms, either.  I have since done quite a bit of research on the effects (and side effects) of Biotin, and there are other unpleasant symptoms as well!  Some people have noted weight gain, increased appetite, higher blood sugar, and more stubborn insulin resistance!  WHAT?!?  As a woman with PCOS, those side effects are the very last thing I would possibly want! 

     - Headaches/Migraines
     - Acne or Skin Rash
     - Hair loss
     - Weight Gain
     - Increased Appetite
     - Raised Blood Sugar
     - Stubborn Insulin Resistance
     - Increased Thirst
     - Excessive Urination
     - Insomnia or Lack of Sleep
     - Diarrhea (Lovely!)
     - Eosinophilic Pleuropericardial Effusion (in extreme cases)

If you are looking to increase your Biotin naturally from foods (which is really how you should be getting your vitamins to begin with), there is a list of Biotin-rich foods that can help.  In fact, I regularly eat things from this list, so that's probably one of the reasons I overdosed on Biotin to begin with.  I never took into consideration all the foods I ate that already supplied me with Biotin!  I recommend getting your Biotin naturally when you can, and avoiding the supplement altogether if at all possible!

     - Mushrooms
     - Tuna
     - Avocados
     - Salmon
     - Sunflower Seeds
     - Cheese
     - Peanut Butter
     - Cauliflower
     - Whole Wheat Bread
     - Sardines
     - Bananas
     - Soybeans
     - Beef
     - Yeast
     - Pork
     - Turkey
     - Egg Yolks
     - Organ Meats (Liver, Kidney, etc.)
     - Nuts (including nut milks)
     - Legumes
     - Milk
     - Chocolate (Um, YAY!)
     - Cereal
     - Carrots
     - Swiss Chard
     - Berries
     - Halibut

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Chlorophyll for Keto Breath & Body Odors

For those of you who are eating low-carb or have ever done an Egg Fast, you may be familiar with the term "ketosis."  Ketosis is the state in which your body begins to burn fat.  For low-carbers, ketosis is "the place to be."  Because ketosis causes a breakdown of chemicals in your body, sometimes it can leave a nasty side effect - keto breath.  Keto breath is gross.  Imagine having morning breath.  All the time.  And at least 3x worse.  It's incredibly hard to get rid of keto breath.  You can brush, floss, gargle, and oil pull until you are blue in the face, but keto breath is one stubborn jerk.  As long as you are in ketosis, it will keep on comin' back!  Because the problem is internal, it's best to attack it internally.  Many people have reported using Chlorophyll as an internal deodorizer, and it WORKS!  Chlorophyll (if you remember your 1st or 2nd grade science class) is the stuff that makes plants green.  It comes in pill or liquid form.  It is used as an internal deodorant to treat not only keto breath, but also odors from sweat, gas, and shall we say "potty" odors.  It takes about 1-2 weeks to build up in your system completely, but from there on, it's smooth sailing.  The best thing about chlorophyll is that it is 100% natural.  You don't have to be in ketosis to use it, either!  Anyone can take chlorophyll!  People who sweat all time can use it.  People who love asparagus can use it!  People who live on garlic can use it!  Now, I will give you fair warning that it may turn your poo green for a while, so don't be too alarmed if that happens.  To avoid stomach upset, it's also best if you start with the lowest possible dose and work your way up. 

Now when someone accuses you of acting like your (*ahem*) stuff doesn't stink, you can cockily reply, "Nope! It sure doesn't!"  ;)