Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Chlorophyll for Keto Breath & Body Odors

For those of you who are eating low-carb or have ever done an Egg Fast, you may be familiar with the term "ketosis."  Ketosis is the state in which your body begins to burn fat.  For low-carbers, ketosis is "the place to be."  Because ketosis causes a breakdown of chemicals in your body, sometimes it can leave a nasty side effect - keto breath.  Keto breath is gross.  Imagine having morning breath.  All the time.  And at least 3x worse.  It's incredibly hard to get rid of keto breath.  You can brush, floss, gargle, and oil pull until you are blue in the face, but keto breath is one stubborn jerk.  As long as you are in ketosis, it will keep on comin' back!  Because the problem is internal, it's best to attack it internally.  Many people have reported using Chlorophyll as an internal deodorizer, and it WORKS!  Chlorophyll (if you remember your 1st or 2nd grade science class) is the stuff that makes plants green.  It comes in pill or liquid form.  It is used as an internal deodorant to treat not only keto breath, but also odors from sweat, gas, and shall we say "potty" odors.  It takes about 1-2 weeks to build up in your system completely, but from there on, it's smooth sailing.  The best thing about chlorophyll is that it is 100% natural.  You don't have to be in ketosis to use it, either!  Anyone can take chlorophyll!  People who sweat all time can use it.  People who love asparagus can use it!  People who live on garlic can use it!  Now, I will give you fair warning that it may turn your poo green for a while, so don't be too alarmed if that happens.  To avoid stomach upset, it's also best if you start with the lowest possible dose and work your way up. 

Now when someone accuses you of acting like your (*ahem*) stuff doesn't stink, you can cockily reply, "Nope! It sure doesn't!"  ;)

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