Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Adjusting Metformin Dosage

A few months ago, Dr. F told me that she would like to put me on Metformin.  Why?  I was clearly having an insulin resistance issue, as could be seen from my "thicker-than-average" middle.  So, what would the Metformin do for me exactly?  In the words of Dr. F, "Instead of fighting an uphill battle to lose weight, the Metformin will regulate your blood glucose levels and it will be more of a downward slope.  It will give you the edge you need."  Woo-hoo!

After saving up the money, getting the bloodwork done, and finally getting the prescription in my hand, I marched my "thicker-than-average" booty down to the pharmacy to pick up my pills.  I waited til the first Monday after I had them.  Why Monday, you say?  Well, silly, because I always start everything on a Monday.  ;)

I took my first pill (500mg) that evening and didn't notice anything different.  When I woke up the next morning, I felt very strange.  In a haze.  Almost drunk.  Drugged.  I tested my blood glucose (with a handy little blood monitor that I got from Kroger for $4.00 the week before).  88.  Well, that can't be right.  That's not very low, and it's certainly not low enough to exhibit any signs of hypoglycemia.  So, I called the nurse at Dr. F's office.  She seemed to think the same thing.  It simply wasn't low enough for me to feel that way.  She was dumbstruck as to what might cause this kind of reaction and advised me to perhaps cut the pill in half and try a lower dose.

For 4 days, I took 1/4 pill.  No side effects.  For the following 6 days, I took 1/2 pill.  Still no side effects.  I was incredibly nervous about taking a full pill, but I bit the bullet.  NO SIDE EFFECTS AT ALL!  I was amazed and relieved.  Now, if it actually works for the weight loss, we will have to see.  I don't want to weigh myself too regularly, because that's just a recipe for disappointment and/or depression.  But I will keep you gals posted on my results when/if I see them!

So, if you have to take Metformin for your PCOS, don't despair if at first you feel like crap.  You just have to figure out the best way (for you) to take it.  Everyone is different, and your doctor will be able to advise you on adjusting the medication if you need to.  I've heard of so many people just quitting the medication because they didn't like the side effects, without ever really trying to adjust the dosage.  That's sad, because if they had eased into it slowly, they might have really loved the end results.

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