Friday, December 6, 2013

Avon's Facial Wax Strips

It's no surprise to anyone I know personally (and many readers of this blog as well) that I genuinely love Avon products.  I recently had the opportunity to try out (and now review) Avon's Facial Wax Strip Kit.  I've always stood by the Facial Hair Removal Cream, but I've had people ask how long the results of the cream last.  For me, the cream hair removal lasts for about 3 days (give or take), and I know that there are some of you out there who would like longer-lasting results.  So, I asked my Avon cyster if I could get a sample of the wax strips to test and review for my blog.  She kindly obliged, and I'm ready to give my official review.
The size of the strips is pretty standard for facial hair removal.  These strips fit perfectly above the upper lip.  I was pretty wary about using these, because the last time I tried wax strips (Sally Hansen brand), I broke out in painful, cystic acne everywhere the wax strip touched.  It was not pleasant!  But because I have faith in Avon products, I really wanted to give their version a try - and I'm quite glad that I did!  I'm not sure if it was the wax ingredients or the "soothing oil" ingredients, but I did not break out in any acne at all!  The redness only lasted for about an hour, so don't do this right before you walk out of the house.  The soothing oil feels wonderful after the hair removal, and I personally love the smell of it!  Now for those of you wondering how long the results lasted - while the cream lasted for 3 days, the wax strips lasted for about 7 days!  I don't claim that your results will be identical to mine, as it all depends on the hair itself and the speed at which it grows.  But if you're thinking about giving facial wax a try, I highly recommend that you try the Avon brand.

To see more of Avon's products, and/or to support a fellow "cyster," feel free to take a look around her Avon shop:

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